Ryan Bester (AUS)

Name: Ryan Bester
Born 1984
What country/region/club/team do you play for?
Broadbeach, Canada
When and why did you start playing bowls? I started in 1995. I was 10 years old. Played because my two older brothers played so my father and I started the same time
Which model(s)/size of Taylor bowls do you enjoy playing with and why? I use the Redline SR bowl size 4. I have used SR’s for 6 years now and total trust them on all surfaces in Australia & New Zealand.
In the bowling world who do you most admire and why?
I admire Peter Belliss. I played with him in Sydney for five years and respect what he has done both on the green and most importantly off the green.
Do you have a favourite – film, book, song, football team, actor, etc. It can be more than one if you like.
Favourite Song Stairway to Heaven, San Francisco sport teams.
Please give us a quote that you would be happy for us to use – relating to the Company or products
I have used Taylor Bowls since I was 12 years old. History and track record of delivering superb products is why I choose to use Taylor Bowls
Please list below your major bowling achievements including the year, starting with the most recent (don’t forget to email vicky.goldie@taylorbowls.com with any updated photos or news):
2017 Premier League Queensland Champion
2016 World Bowls Singles Silver
2016 Australia Player of the year
2015 Australia Player of the Year
2015 Asia Pacific Pairs Gold
2015 Golden Nugget Champion
2014 Golden Nugget Champion
2014-2015-2016 Queensland State Singles Champioin
2016 Queensland Pairs Champion
2015 Queensland Champion of Champion Singles & Fours Champion
2014 Commonwealth Games singles silver
2012 World Bowls Singles silver
2010 New Zealand Pairs Champion
2008 New Zealand Fours Champion
2008 Australian Open Pairs Champion
2007 Atlantic Rim Singles Champion
2006 Commonwealth Games singles bronze
2005 Asia Pacific Singles Champion
2004-2005 Canadian Pairs Champion
2006 Canadian Fours Champion
2004 World Pairs Champion
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